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La Cimbali
La Cimbali
MODELS: M21M32 DosatronM39M39 Dosatron GT
La Cimbali M21 Junior Coffee Machine
The M21 Junior is a compact and purpose-built coffee machine catering to individuals who may have limited space but still desire the authentic taste of traditional Italian espresso and cappuccino. This machine is specifically designed to meet small-scale production needs.
Can make up to 200 cups a day.
Perfect for a coffee shop or restaurant

£1000 VAT Free

This machine is a dream to work with due to the automatic steam wand which creates the perfect cappuccino or latte at the touch of a button.
There is also a manual steam wand.
The machine has been cared for extremely well- flushed and washed down after each day and regular changes of water filter.

£6000 +VAT

This la cimbali will come with full refurb & service 13/02/21 we are dealer based in north London will not be used after this service.
Sold with a free water softener CTU10

£2599 +VAT

2 Group. 1 Manual Steam Arm, 1 Autosteam arm.
Full working order.
Complete with auto stream arm, which ensures easy, efficient and consistent milk foaming.

£1995 +VAT

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