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Above Ground - 30,000 ltr Slurry tank
3650h x 3450d
Vented 6 inch connection - 1000ltrs min

£9495 +VAT ono

£24000 £21750 +VAT ono

McCormick X7,660 Power Plus, 66 Reg, 2016, only 1800Hrs, 50K, Front/Cab Suspension, Front Linkage, 4 Spools, Puhout Hitch, Air Con/Seat,540,65,28,85%, 650,65,38,95%, Excellent Condition,.


Deutz Agrotron 6190Ttv 4Wd, 2014, 3700Hrs, Vario Trans, 50K, Air Brakes, Front/Cab Suspension, Front Links, I Monitor, 4 Spools, Pushout Hitch, Passenger Seat, 540,65,30,40%, 650,65,42, New, Superb Specked Tractor

£56950 +VAT

Just to let you know that our horse box is now sold. Thanks for your help.

£650 VAT Free

£25 +VAT each

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Case trailed sprayer with 2 point linkage attachment, wheeled tracking, 2200 litre crop sprayer with 4 sections.
Includes RDS rate master electric control unit.
20m width.
NSTS tested 26/07/2024.

£4500 +VAT ono

General purpose tele-handler bucket.
This is in a used but good condition with a front wear plate.
The bucket is 6'6" (approx 2m) and is fitted with what we believe to be JCB 520 brackets.

£550 +VAT ono

Deutz Agrotron 6160 4Wd, 2014, 3440Hrs, Power Shuttle, 50K, 4 Speed Splitter, Front/Cab Suspension, 4 Spools, Pushout Hitch, Air Con/Seat, Weights, Front Fenders, 420,85,28, 90%, 520,85,38, New, Ex Arable Tractor,Very Tidy.

£41950 +VAT

£1800 £1000 +VAT each

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